The Feel Amazing
Breakthrough Session

Breakthrough what’s holding you back and accelerate your growth at lightning speed.

A groundbreaking experience of epic proportions with Amanda Walker.

The Breakthrough was designed for you if any of the following statements needle at your heart & mind...

You’re often locked in complete overwhelm - mind spinning, struggling to make decisions. You can not decide which move or which choice is “right” for you. There must be ONE that is the RIGHT one.

You feel there is a gap between what you say you want and what you do. You just can’t get yourself to follow through on your goals and dreams.

You often feel guilt or shame when doing things for yourself. Chasing your dreams, indulging in self-care, investing in yourself, or pursuing your own goals feels counter to your beliefs about putting family first.

You’re constantly comparing and despairing. You can’t open your email, or social media, or even hit the grocery store without your mind piping up with all kinds of “you’re not good enough” critique.

You are scared of trying one more thing and “failing”. What if nothing ever works for me?

You’re scared of putting yourself out there and getting judged or criticized. You’re nice & cozy behind-the-scenes, but know you have more to offer.

When you struggle with one or more of these issues, I’m willing to bet you’ve tried several things to “fix” these nagging problems.

You invest in meal plans or workout plans only to let them collect digital dust on your laptop.

You try researching things like “how to stop comparing myself to other people” – but then fall into a doom scroll of checking out others and… comparing yourself once again.

You’ve tried coaches and therapists and have picked up a few bandaids, but time keeps ticking by, and you’re still, deep down, dealing with the same issues.

The Breakthrough is like an exclusive journey with me as your guide - accelerating your growth in a way that you’ve never seen before.

By the end of your session, you will...

Finally understand why you’re not getting the results you want in your business & life.

You’ll be able to articulate the deep-rooted reasons and abolish them so that nothing will hold you back, ever again.

Have a collection of powerful tools

right in your hot little hands to use anytime challenges pop up.

Experience resolution & closure

on your roadblocks (perfectionism, scarcity, worthiness, oh my!) - so that you can make room for new, exciting growth.

Neutralize triggers that cause you to stay stuck

(goodbye comparison!)

And here’s the big finale:

You’ll undeniably be the best version of yourself.

Because having a growth mindset means owning your value, making bold moves & decisive choices, and stepping fully into your power.

Once our journey is complete, you’ll show up as a brand-new & empowered woman.

While working with Amanda on emotional release work, I was surprised by some of the findings and continue to try to be the silent observer more often now and catch behaviors at the root of their source.

The Breakthrough isn’t for everyone.

You need to be READY—meaning you’ve made a conscious decision to make a change. If you’re not willing to change and want to stay cozy where you are – this is not for you.

But, if you’re aching to finally get the results you crave, the Feel Amazing Breakthrough is the best possible investment you’ll ever make in yourself.

How it works

Quantum Leap

We start with a 30 minute intake call to understand exactly what we are going to do in the breakthrough session.

We then meet on Zoom for 6 mind-blowing sessions. During that time you’ll have amazing breakthroughs, clear blocks, and make more movement on your goals than you have in years.

The introductory price of this special offer is $3,000.

This is a fraction of the money that people waste on classes they never finish, workshops they forget, and coaches who don’t have the capability to get quick results.

The Feel Amazing Breakthrough is high-touch, high-value, and completely customized to you.

No lame curriculum, zero-copy/paste techniques that don’t apply, and no fluff. We dig to the root of what’s keeping you stuck and abolish it.

Are you ready for results?

Feel Amazing Breakthrough clients often experience immediate clarity and notice a 180-degree change in their behavior the moment we end the session.

If you’re ready to experience your BIGGEST TRANSFORMATION YET

Note: Want to do this in person? I am willing to travel for an additional fee!
Please just reach out to me via email for details.
XO – Amanda

Amanda Walker will be your guide for this powerful breakthrough experience.

Amanda is a certified Hypno and NLP practitioner. She also is a Life and Business Coach who helps service-based entrepreneurs build a profitable business that feels amazing.

Drawing from her former career as a teacher, Amanda helps coaches and consultants identify the root causes of what are stopping them from stepping into their power and sharing their message with the world. Her signature framework was developed to help coaches manage their energy, create a work-life rhythm while they build a profitable business that makes big impact.

Amanda is the creator of the Feel Amazing Naked Program and Podcast and the Feel Amazing Naked Business Accelerator. Amanda is certified in Life Coaching from The Life Coach School and as an NLP Life Coach Practitioner. She is also certified in Hypnotherapy and the Quantum Time Technique.

Amanda has been featured in website publications such as Forbes, Today Online, and Catalyst Athletics and has been featured on podcasts such as Mom Is In Control, Mom Worthy, and the Youest You.

Amanda Walker_Life Coach_Feel Amazing Naked_Health Coach
While I worked with Amanda she helped me identify ways that I was self-sabotaging my results (both in business and wellness) without knowing it. We have worked on how to re-frame my beliefs. How to calm my anxiety. And how to be more confident in myself through coaching, journaling, and business strategy. Since working with Amanda I have lost 10lbs (which was the original reason I wanted to work with her) but better yet have a whole new perspective on how to fuel my body in my 40's and what workouts my body responds to best on my schedule. I eat more, workout less and have way more confidence.

I also run a business and work full time. Through Amanda's strategy on really working on the full picture, she has helped me learn to reset my mindset around money, serving others and being more confident in my offers. We did this through additional journaling, 1:1 sessions and deep dive sessions. Since working with Amanda I have had my highest income-earning month to date and sold out my mastermind and product without launching.

Amanda is an amazing coach and mentor. I am so grateful to have her support my goals and mission and be working alongside me.
Entrepreneur, Crush the Rush
Amanda is my secret weapon during program launches when all of my resistance and inner critics start come out. I recently had such an amazing breakthrough session!! We were able to dig in, in real time, to understand why I was freezing and all of a sudden having no ideas. With Amanda’s assistant I was able to clear this block and get back to having full confidence in showing up for my clients the way I want to. I highly recommend working with Amanda. She is an amazing coach and beautiful human.
Megan Blacksmith
Entrepreneur, Zesty Ginger
You will not regret one single minute with Amanda. Her ability to ask the right questions at the right time and pull out your limiting beliefs and give you the confidence you need to move forward is extraordinary
I like to work things through on my own typically and aware I’m not great at asking for help, but working with Amanda was very comfortable in doing this type of work.