My early years were filled with buying into quick fixes and ignoring issues in my health that had left me approaching 50 with my very own set of self- induced baggage that included high cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure. I am so thankful for Amanda’s knowledge, empowerment and lessons towards personal accountability that have made winding down my 40’s and facing the 50’s not with dread but excitement because I feel amazing and can’t wait to keep seeing the results!

I’m a 47 year old “young” woman, who like most have struggled with body image, or the expectation that I should be a certain size. I have tried more diet fads then I care to count, and none of them ‘stuck’. It didn’t happen overnight, it was a slow gradual process but it was a process that I was able to wrap my head around and understand the impact of what I put in my mouth. I thought, this is something I can maintain and I’m seeing results. As I continued with Amanda I gained so much more knowledge – I learned how to make this a lifestyle change, not just a fad diet. I can’t thank Amanda enough for opening my eyes to a new way of food thinking. It has been almost 2 years since I stopped meeting with Amanda and I am still maintaining my weight, muscle definition and overall satisfaction with my body image. For this I can’t thank Amanda enough for all her help in my success.

My perception of food and body image has changed since working with Amanda. She has taught me the nitty gritty on how food actually works for my body and fuels me by saying goodbye to the inner critic and being kind to myself. Feeling healthy and aging as gracefully as I can is my goal. Since working with Amanda I can honestly say I am on the right track.