Embracing all the parts of you can feel daunting and overwhelming.
Many people today are so scattered and disconnected in their thinking and awareness. The solution is getting to the root structure of what connects people back to the mind and body connection.
My guest this week, Deb Yager, is an expert in how to help people tap into their personal power and design their life. In this episode, we talk about being unapologetic about who you are, loving all of your parts…including the shadow parts you may try to hide, and the limiting decision that there is a “right” way to do life.
Embracing all of your parts can be scary…
That also means you have to embrace your “shadow” parts.
What are “shadow” parts?
These are the parts of yourself that you don’t want to admit you have. Sometimes these parts can be unconscious, so it takes effort to bring them to the conscious and work to embrace them.
NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an effective method of helping your unconscious mind. It helps shift limiting beliefs while releasing old programming. This allows you to step into your best self.
This therapy can help you gain massive results in your personal and professional life.
Using this NLP therapy, Deb has devoted her life to helping clients first discover what they really want in a specific area of life.
She recognized that so many people today are scattered and disconnected in their thinking and awareness. Part of her process is getting to the root structure of what connects people back to the mind and body connection.
The ability to tap into her own personal empowerment gave her the chance to redesign and rebuild her life!
Using the powerful tools she has helped develop, she assists people by teaching them how to conquer their negativity to create a new life, success and true happiness! She specializes in working with women to create the confidence in life, relationships, business, sales, goals, health & wellness.
To learn more about her NLP approach and how she helps others, check out her website at: www.yagertraining.com
You can watch our interview here as well:
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