[Episode 026]


Sex is still taboo to talk about in society.  We are taught not to be comfortable about talking about it OUT loud but when we do…we feel judged. We are sure as heck aren’t gonna talk about how to have “better sex.”

Nope—not anymore. Let’s talk about it and talk about it often.

We teach younger generations about sex using fear as a motivator instead of teaching them about the REAL (including the beauty and the struggles about it).

This week’s guest is totally on the same page with me.

Jessa Zimmerman is a certified sex therapist and couples’ counselor. She specializes in helping couples who have a good relationship but who are avoiding sex because it’s become stressful, negative, disappointing, or pressured. She educates, coaches, and supports people as they go through her 9-phase experiential process that allows them real-world practice in changing their relationship and their sex life.

She is the author of Sex Without Stress, the host of the Better Sex Podcast, and is a regularly featured expert in the media, including Refinery29, Business Insider, Mind Body Green, and Marriage.com.

In this episode we dive into:

-Why sex is still taboo to talk about it

-The main reason she sees couples struggle with intimacy

-How to breach the topic of sex with your spouse

-Why there is no “right” amount of sex to have in a marriage

-What desire discrepancy is (this blew my mind)

-Alternative ways to experience pleasure with your spouse, outside sex

-The difference between proactive sex drive and reactive sex drive

-Jessa’s 9 step process to overcome sexual avoidance

Connect with Jessa:

You can connect with Jessa at www.jessazimmerman.com

You can listen to her podcast “Better Sex” here.

Her course for couples can be found HERE.

Her book, “Sex Without Stress” can be purchased here.


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In amazingness,
