This week, I share a powerful client success story about what prompted her to take a risk in life when she left her corporate job.

It was just 1 year ago that she felt unfulfilled in a corporate job and was struggling to find work-life babusiness leap Become A Money Strategist For Womenlance after having her second child. She was desperate to stop climbing the traditional “life ladder” and chase her inner knowing that she was meant to design a life on her terms. 

While in the middle of launching her business, she recognized she needed to shift directions. Why?

Money empowerment is something that fires her up and she wants to help other women be empowered by and with their money.

As a result of this realization, she told herself:

“You can have it all!”

This realization came to this week’s client and there was no looking back for her after she took action toward this statement.

Once she had it in her mind to take a risk, she was all in!

She left her corporate job and jumped right into this new space of helping women master their money. This empowerment has lead women to be comfortable confronting their money stories.

As these women are more empowered with their money, they recognize there is something more. This recognition has lead many women to take risks to pursue their passions.

Why as women do we take the back seat to others when it comes to controlling our money?

Society has taught women to play it safe, not take risks with their money, and budget so they will always have “enough.”

Women need support with money but have fear around using money to help them pursue what they need. Part of Jessa’s work is to help women overcome this stigma and empower them to USE their money for their good. Helping women see that it’s okay to invest their money in themselves to help them achieve what they truly desire.

Jessa is an Accounting Major. Action Taker. Real Estate Investor. Stock Picker. Rich on Purpose. She sees beauty and untapped potential in women caught in the never-ending busy-ness of life. Her mission is to help YOU unlock your dreams by uncovering and working through the messy money stuff. She believes in education, systems and intentional action as the way through money struggles. Helping women break through their money overwhelm and get on track to financial freedom. She is a lucky wife, mother to two adorable stinkers, daughter, sister & friend. 

Learn more about what Jessa does at