She’s been working in the fitness industry for 20 years and was a Crossfit Athlete from 2008-2015.  She was a part of the CF Seminar Staff for over 8 years and owned her own CrossFit Gym from 2008-2011.  She has also become a wife and a mama to 2 boys. 

All of these things led her to build out a fierce community of online fitness lovers who were limited on time, space, availability of equipment or those who want to have more balance in their lives called Street Parking. 

Miranda Alcaraz wears many hats and in this episode we talk about how to balance them, how to build sustainable fitness, and we slay a few myths in the health and nutrition industry.

She is the co-founder of StreetParking. StreetParking is a community-based membership where members can follow along with their home-based workouts while having support and community.woman stretching

Exercise is easy to fall into the “all-or-nothing” mindset, but this week Miranda offers some practical advice on how to overcome that thinking when it comes to fitness and life.

She is on a mission to help women overcome the all-or-nothing mentality and instead develop a “more than nothing” mentality.

That means:

  • Taking it one day at a time
  • It doesn’t have to be perfect
  • Something is better than nothing
  • Your version of healthy is different than hers or mine
  • Some action is better than no action

In this episode, we talk about how to continue to shift your all-or-nothing mindset and build a healthy lifestyle that is perfect for you.  We also talk about how to create a rhythm (I am working on kicking the word balance out of my vocabulary) in your life while you purposely multiply passions.

You can watch our interview here:

And just in case you are new here, here is a little bit about me:

amanda walker business life health coach