In this episode, I share my favorite 5 business reads of all time that have impacted me both personally and professionally. Reading was not something I LOVED growing up. I only read books when they were required by a teacher or professor. Now, I realize I missed out on so much amazing imagination and learning growing up. Consequently, I am now an avid reader as an adult and have been highly impacted by the books I share in this week’s episode.
I also talk about a new 1:1 coaching offer I have opened up called Business In A Day. If you want to chat more and see if it is a great fit for you, click here to book a call to chat.
Here’s a quick look at the episode and my top 5 favorite business reads:
The Big Leap: Gay Hendricks
- If you’ve ever said, “I don’t deserve this” or “it’s all too good to be true,” then this book will help you break through those barriers and help you live the life you fully deserve, without limiting your personal potential.
Building a Story Brand: Donald Miller
- Donald outlines a proven process to help you talk about your business with clients and show the power of your brand through storytelling.
100 Million Dollar Offer: Alex Hormozi
- This book breaks down the process to charge more than you are now. Furthermore, it teaches how to naturally attract clients to your offer.
- Never Lose a Customer Again: Joey Coleman
- How To Win Friends and Influence People: Dale Carnegie
Click here for the my newest FREEBIE: 10 Powerful Questions Every Coach Should Know
Listen to the full episode on iTunes.
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Interested in working with Amanda or learning more about her programs? Click here to book a time to chat.