Are you craving a morning routine? Do you try to check all the boxes of the tasks you “should” be doing and then feel stressed out?

In this episode, I share why forcing a morning routine is leaving you with more stress.  I also share with you how to extend the feeling you want from a morning routine practice into your ENTIRE day.

Let me tell you a story….

I was having a fantastic coaching session with a client who shared that she was desperate for this too. 

Similarly, I often hear from women in coaching that they also crave a morning routine.

They crave having some type of system in the morning that helps set intention for the day.

They are bombarded by ideas/people sharing what their morning routine looks like and are desperate for what feels like that “perfect” hour of time that will change their life.

After speaking with her, let me share what I know now:

Women CRAVE a morning routine that looks a bit like this:coffee mug with journal

  1. Driven to check all the boxes
  2. Meditate
  3. Journal
  4. Move
  5. Stretch

Women want ALL the things, ALL the pieces together.

When they don’t, they feel defeated, like a failure and ashamed. This creates more stress.

I don’t want to burst your bubbles—but a morning routine doesn’t solve all your problems.

Additionally, It’s not really about the morning routine…it’s more about the FEELING the morning routine provides. That feeling can be curated all day long.

The purpose of a morning routine is to:

  • increase mindfulness
  • get to know your thoughts
  • to slow down and just BE

When you practice this, it pours into the rest of your day.

You CAN connect to that feeling throughout the day without going through the entire morning routine.  You CAN become aware of the thoughts that are beginning to stress you out and shift them.

The morning routine practice is just that: a PRACTICE…which means it’s dynamic.

Let go of having to look the same every single day.

Tune into what you need THAT day.

Understand that there are seasons—what it looks like now if you maybe have small children, or a job you are moving away from, etc….it’s dynamic.  

Cut yourself some slack and tune into what’s stressing you out about your morning routine so you can make the shift to focus on what you need that day.

Check out this week’s episode for more helpful tips to overcome the stress of a morning routine.