Checkout our latest episodes and shownotes below

6 Tips to help Women gain Confidence in the Bedroom
Why is it that as women we sometimes don’t have confidence in the bedroom? This week, I am throwing it back to an episode that

Are you “away from” or “towards” motivated?
Do you find that a stroke of motivation hits you and as soon you start seeing some results you let off the gas? Your own

Getting to the root cause of pelvic floor weakness with Christina and Jenn of Tighten Your Tinkler
Millions of women struggle with stress incontinence, pelvic floor weakening, prolapse, diastasis recti (DR), and back/hip pain. What if that didn’t have to be a

How she left her corporate job to start a business that fueled her soul with Katie Allen
Have you been wondering how you can start a business that will fuel your soul? Are you worried about the means to do it? This

Building a More Than Nothing Mentality with Miranda Alcaraz
She’s been working in the fitness industry for 20 years and was a Crossfit Athlete from 2008-2015. She was a part of the CF Seminar

7 Simple Hacks To Make Planning Meals Easy
Do you find yourself saying I don’t know what to cook? Or I don’t have time to cook? Perhaps you get so overwhelmed, you just
Why this podcast?
Hi Ladies, it’s Amanda.
Welcome to the Feel Amazing Naked Podcast. This is a show where we dig deep, get honest, and talk about all the “unsexy” steps it takes to meet your sexy goals – whether you want to get fit, eat healthier, start a business, or anything else you want to achieve.
This is NOT a podcast for women who want the quick fix, or who want to stay small.
This is a podcast for women who are go-getters & high achievers — who are brave enough to get uncomfortable, release misguided beliefs, and truly “get naked” in body, mind & soul.
Most of all this podcast is for women who are ready to feel amazing naked on the outside…and the inside.
Ladies… it’s time to take it off.