In this episode, I share why the things that feel “common” in our life aren’t always RIGHT. When you look around it might seem like many people are participating in behaviors and it feels common. For example, living with debt, scrolling social media at...
In this episode, I share how to ditch perfectionism and why it is holding you back from success. I had a powerful interaction recently with the cashier at my local grocery store that inspired this week’s episode. I don’t want to give away too much juicy stuff...
In this episode, I share 6 tips to increase your work-life balance. I use the word “balance” lightly though because I don’t believe it really exists. I like to see it more as a rhythm meaning that there is a pattern that ebbs and flows. However, it is still the...
In this episode, I interview an amazing client as she shares her story of confidence success through our work together. Finding herself in a major life transition, Emily had an intuitive nudge that she could not do it alone. That’s when an episode of the podcast...
In this episode, I share the 3 reasons you may not be feeling confident in your life. Do you constantly doubt yourself, judge yourself against others, struggle to make decisions because you aren’t sure if they are “right”, hesitate to take the next steps in your...