Why Shifting Your Beliefs Is The Key To Weight Loss

Why Shifting Your Beliefs Is The Key To Weight Loss

It’s easy to download a food template, have a trainer give you a meal or drink shakes to lose weight.  The reason those are successful in the short term is because they only help you change your behaviors around food.  The key to losing weight and keeping it off, is...
Client Success: Why Cancer Became A Catalyst For Her Change

Client Success: Why Cancer Became A Catalyst For Her Change

If you’re still trying to do all.the.things. in your life, this episode will help you to see that when you choose to focus on improving the 1%, you will see the results you’ve been hoping for all along and they can become the catalyst for change. The client I’m...
How to Work for the Body You Want with Amber Brueseke

How to Work for the Body You Want with Amber Brueseke

So, you’ve decided to finally go all-in and get your health in order. Good for you! But maybe now, you’re asking yourself, “How do I love the body I have while I’m working for the body I want?”  And that’s a valid question that I think needs to be addressed. So, in...
What If You Went All In?

What If You Went All In?

Are you feeling stuck? Do you ever wonder what your life would look like if you actually went all in? In this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing with you what I believe to be the greatest and most overlooked secret to success. Before I dive into the show, if you want...
Client Success Story: Breaking The Cycle For Our Children

Client Success Story: Breaking The Cycle For Our Children

If you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel of dieting, yo-yoing, and feeling out of control, this is the episode for you. My former client, Jana, and I are discussing how she went about breaking the cycle of dieting for her children. I’ve been talking all month about...
5 Signs You Are Undereating

5 Signs You Are Undereating

Diet culture says you have to eat less; restrict food to lose weight. In today’s episode, I am sharing with you why that is not always the case. If you find yourself stuck, you could be dealing with the complete opposite issue, so stay tuned for the 5 signs you could...