[Episode 016] How to overcome criticism to become a more confident woman with Andrea Robinson Taking criticism from other humans is freakin’ hard! It’s something I am learning how to do as I become older and wiser. So how do we overcome that noise and...
[Epsiode 015] How to grow together in marriage This is the first time you will hear a man’s voice on the Feel Amazing Naked podcast. It may be one of the only times too. This week’s special guest is my husband, who has literally been my best friend since...
[Episode 014] 6 tips to help women be more confident in the bedroom According to David Schnarch, {Source} Ph.D., through a study conducted with more than 20,000 couples, he found that only 26% of couples are intimate once-a-week mark, with the majority of the...
[Episode 013] Finding confidence again after a life-changing accident with Lindsay Pinkelman “You don’t know how strong you are until you HAVE to be.” Life has a crazy way of bringing people into and out of your lives, and then sometimes back in. I...
[Episdoe 012] How to overcome an “all-or-nothing” mindset with food Are you starting over every Monday? Do you either avoid ice cream all together or eat the entire gallon in on night? Then you suffer from an “all-or-nothing’ approach to your...