[Episode 003] “The more you become who you are meant to be, the less you care about what others are trying to be.” Are you stuck in the comparison trap? It is a vicious one to fall into. I should know. I fell into hard and fast and for far too long. I spent almost...
[Episode 002] Strength can only get you so far. You can only rely on it for so long until you hit a plateau, and then you must rely on technique and finesse to allow you to make progress. The problem is that many people don’t want to slow down to work on the...
[Episode 001] There are few things worse than awkward eye contact when boarding a plane. Once you find the only aisle seat left, you sit down only to find you have a small child next to you. The stewardess stands to share the safety procedures reminding you that in...
[Episode 000] Welcome to the Feel Amazing Naked Podcast Sometimes I am still in shock that I am doing the work I think I was put on earth to do (besides being a mama) sitting in my guest bedroom, now converted into a home office. I’ve taken an incredible...