Checkout our latest episodes and shownotes below

Client Success Story: How she began to feel strong and well fed
In this week’s episode my amazing client shares how much her life and mind has shifted since our work together. She also shares how all

2020 Reflection and Setting Intention for 2021
As the door to 2020 closes, it’s an opportunity to create space for reflection and celebration. As that door closes, it opens up the chance

Whip Cream on Poop with Megan Blacksmith
It’s the New Year which means you are likely being bombarded with a zillion ads, memes, and emails to help you refocus on your health

{REPLAY} Debunking Diet Myths with Alyssa Olenick
This is the last podcast episode of 2020, and I wanted to end the year with an enormous thank you. Thank you for listening with

Client Success: From a 9-5 Corporate Job to her own 6-figure business in 1 year
Taking a leap from a comfortable corporate job into following your heart towards a dream business brings so many thoughts and feelings forward including fear,

The Fear Of Not Doing Enough (F.O.N.D.E.) & How to Let it Go
Does an inner voice rise up inside and whisper thoughts such as: you aren’t doing enough. You should already be there, or you aren’t
Why this podcast?
Hi Ladies, it’s Amanda.
Welcome to the Feel Amazing Naked Podcast. This is a show where we dig deep, get honest, and talk about all the “unsexy” steps it takes to meet your sexy goals – whether you want to get fit, eat healthier, start a business, or anything else you want to achieve.
This is NOT a podcast for women who want the quick fix, or who want to stay small.
This is a podcast for women who are go-getters & high achievers — who are brave enough to get uncomfortable, release misguided beliefs, and truly “get naked” in body, mind & soul.
Most of all this podcast is for women who are ready to feel amazing naked on the outside…and the inside.
Ladies… it’s time to take it off.